Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
Ok, now that the Third Guy has pointed the blaming finger at our gutters and the grading under a front-stoop porch, it seems the squirrels have some complaints too.All Saturday night, I heard...
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Hokey Smoke, CCat! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)CD Daisy, we see the occasional little mouse in the garage, and if we see one, traps are set out, and if we see any more, the ones we're lookin' at are...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
Oh, the squirrel was cold , not the air temperature.Right now I'm battling ants. Fire ants outdoors, sugar ants indoors. I might bomb (incesticide, not nuclear) the place soon if my other tactics...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
My feelings exactly. I see now why I was born up in the Andes. I can't stand the heat, humidity, bugs, ants or any other critter. Golly gee, winter cannot come soon enough. PS - We had an ant invasion...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
Just remember, folks, bats eat an astounding amount of flying insects, including mosquitoes.At the risk of preaching to the choir, I've got to reiterate two really important points.First, you can kill...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
No worries here Cheech... we love bats and our rodent elimination methods are much more, um, immediate. I love the hawks in my area - I'd hate to see those go!
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
We haven't found any rodents in our house. I guess all the snakes in the backyard take care of them. We have had to relocate several toads, though. Those buggers are hard to catch! One jumped on to my...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
I'm not into poisons for rodent control, or anything else these days.In the past when we or I (back when I had an apartment) had ant problems, I discovered those Combat ant traps (black squares) very...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
I don't have a problem with bats because they do eat the mosquitoes. Vampires, maybe, but bats haven't bothered me.Now, if only they would eat the ants and chiggers.I hadn't thought about the food...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
The TV news had an article a couple of weeks ago that homes in NC were been invaded by ants. It seems it was so hot outside that ants were looking for some relief.
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
Quote:actually afraid their friend Bullwinkle would be in my cabinet next.Still laughing....
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
ncgrrl - maybe if you put some of those tiny drink umbrellas in the sand around the foundation, the ants can just hang out there to get some relief. Maybe make some small pina coladas for them.....
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
Sand? Welcome to North Carolina, home of red clay. Good for making bricks and pottery.And, no, I don't know how the ants burrow through the red clay soil of North Carolina.But I do have some leftover...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
Hey, I promise, I'm not a bat-hater (unless it's Val Kilmer)! Bats do very important things in the ecosystem. Kind of like the idea of flying mice, up to a point anyway. Just sayin' : if a rabid one...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
I've run into (really, I have) a good number of spider webs while out geocaching. I'm very good at finding them. Usually my face finds them first. I have this huge one out back of my house that I'm...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
All I know is that I live in a sealed vault where no windows will be opened, doors will be opened and closed quickly so no creepy anything gets to wander in. Even so, you will occasionally hear me...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
We'e got tons of spiders outside. I seem to have made accomodation for them around the raspberry bushes that suits them and keeps them away from my harvesting spaces. There was a big banana spider on...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
Glad to know the name of the magnificent weaver (banana spider) adorned our front porch -- just wish we'd get a morning dew so I could see it sparkle.BUT, newsflash -- dept. of strange coincidences:...
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
Oh, that's terrible news about the bat! What a nightmare for your neighbors. At least they were able to have it tested, so they know they are not going through the shots for nothing.
View ArticleRe: Update on the slip-slidin' house: Squirrels
CassAgain: Yes, about the spiders! I go on patrol around the house at least daily, but usually find more unexpectantly!I wish I could discover their entry point. I really think a lot of them come from...
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